diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index f7279f451fda09da09f32f6379319f0fca3b20b0..d05154a9ed55034bbef054f4463e67be35c65c27 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -14,17 +14,14 @@ Added
 * Integrate seating plans in lesson overview
 * Add option to set LessonDocumentation data for all lessons in one week at once.
+* Excuse types can now be marked as `Count as absent`, which they are per default. If not, they aren't counted in the overviews.
+* Add Ukrainian locale (contributed by Sergiy Gorichenko from Fre(i)e Software GmbH).
 * The week overview page was not refreshed when a new week was selected in the dropdown.
-* Excuse types can now be marked as `Count as absent`, which they are per default. If not, they aren't counted in the overviews.
 `2.0.1`_ - 2022-02-12