diff --git a/aleksis/apps/alsijil/frontend/components/coursebook/Coursebook.vue b/aleksis/apps/alsijil/frontend/components/coursebook/Coursebook.vue
index 66822e20b656de24bfa10ec7b532b03220afb386..c67178e82a1961eed613388c96d16b3d91fd3de2 100644
--- a/aleksis/apps/alsijil/frontend/components/coursebook/Coursebook.vue
+++ b/aleksis/apps/alsijil/frontend/components/coursebook/Coursebook.vue
@@ -345,20 +345,27 @@ export default {
     assureDate(date) {
       if (!this.knownDates[date]) {
         // find missing & fetch missing range
-        // date +- 5 days ?
-        const dateRange = Interval
-              .fromDateTimes(date.minus({ days: 3 }), date.plus({ days: 4 }))
-              .splitBy({ days: 1 })
-              .map((ts) => ts.start);
-        console.log('assureDate', dateRange.map((ts) => ts.toISODate()));
-        // look up in docsByDay
-        console.log('missing', dateRange.map((ts) => this.docsByDay[ts] ));
-        console.log('missing', dateRange.filter((ts) => !this.docsByDay[ts] ));
-        // dateRange.forEach((ts) => { this.docsByDay[ts.toISODate()] = 42 });
-        console.log('docsByDay', this.docsByDay);
-        console.log('2024-03-29', this.docsByDay[DateTime.fromISO('2024-03-29')]);
-        console.log('2024-03-29', dateRange[3], this.docsByDay[dateRange[3]]);
-        // sort missing and ask for first to last
+        const missing = this.dateRange(date).filter((ts) => !this.docsByDay[ts] );
+        // ask for first to last
+        this.lastQuery.fetchMore({
+          variables: {
+            dateStart: missing[0].toISODate(),
+            dateEnd: missing[missing.length - 1].toISODate(),
+          },
+          // Transform the previous result with new data
+          updateQuery: (previousResult, { fetchMoreResult }) => {
+            return {
+              tagsPage: {
+                __typename: previousResult.tagsPage.__typename,
+                // Merging the tag list
+                tags: [...previousResult.tagsPage.tags, ...newTags],
+                hasMore,
+              },
+            }
+          },
+        })
         // integrate into docsByDay