From 5d92d9f608ef0c6eef22bdc013254b64c350110d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Bauer <>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 16:47:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add missing loop over documentations in coursebook-printout

 .../alsijil/partials/register_coursebook.html | 130 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

diff --git a/aleksis/apps/alsijil/templates/alsijil/partials/register_coursebook.html b/aleksis/apps/alsijil/templates/alsijil/partials/register_coursebook.html
index 4e6f6ee60..40e7ce2ff 100644
--- a/aleksis/apps/alsijil/templates/alsijil/partials/register_coursebook.html
+++ b/aleksis/apps/alsijil/templates/alsijil/partials/register_coursebook.html
@@ -16,80 +16,82 @@
     {% for day, documentations in group.documentations_by_day.items %}
-      <tr class="
-              {% if doc.amends %}
-                {% if doc.amends.cancelled %}
-                  lesson-cancelled
+      {% for doc in documentations %}
+        <tr class="
+                {% if doc.amends %}
+                  {% if doc.amends.cancelled %}
+                    lesson-cancelled
+                  {% endif %}
+                  {% if doc.amends.amends %}
+                    lesson-substituted
+                  {% endif %}
                 {% endif %}
-                {% if doc.amends.amends %}
-                  lesson-substituted
+                {% if forloop.first %}
+                  lessons-day-first
                 {% endif %}
+              ">
+          {% if forloop.first %}
+          <!-- TODO: There is no lessons-day-head class -->
+            <th rowspan="{{ documentations|length }}" class="lessons-day-head">{{ day|date:"D" }}</th>
+          {% endif %}
+          <td class="lesson-pe">
+            {% if doc.amends %}
+              {% if doc.amends.slot_number_start == doc.amends.slot_number_ends %}
+                {{ doc.amends.slot_number_start }}.
+              {% else %}
+                {{ doc.amends.slot_number_start }}.–{{ doc.amends.slot_number_end }}.
               {% endif %}
-              {% if forloop.first %}
-                lessons-day-first
-              {% endif %}
-            ">
-        {% if forloop.first %}
-        <!-- TODO: There is no lessons-day-head class -->
-          <th rowspan="{{ documentations|length }}" class="lessons-day-head">{{ day|date:"D" }}</th>
-        {% endif %}
-        <td class="lesson-pe">
-          {% if doc.amends %}
-            {% if doc.amends.slot_number_start == doc.amends.slot_number_ends %}
-              {{ doc.amends.slot_number_start }}.
             {% else %}
-              {{ doc.amends.slot_number_start }}.–{{ doc.amends.slot_number_end }}.
-            {% endif %}
-          {% else %}
-            {{ doc.datetime_start|time:"H:i" }}-{{ doc.datetime_end|time:"H:i" }}
-          {% endif %}
-        </td>
-        <td class="lesson-subj">
-          {% include "chronos/partials/subject.html" with subject=doc.subject %}
-        </td>
-        <td class="lesson-topic">
-          {{ doc.topic }}
-        </td>
-        <td class="lesson-homework">{{ doc.homework }}</td>
-        <td class="lesson-notes">
-          {{ documentation.group_note }}
-          {% for participation in doc.notable_participations %}
-            {% if participation.absence_reason %}
-              <span class="lesson-note-absent">
-                {{ participation.person.short_name }}
-                <span style="color: {{ participation.absence_reason.colour }};">
-                  ({{ participation.absence_reason.short_name }})
-                </span>
-              </span>
+              {{ doc.datetime_start|time:"H:i" }}-{{ doc.datetime_end|time:"H:i" }}
             {% endif %}
-            {% if participation.tardiness %}
-              <span class="lesson-note-late">
-                {{ participation.person.short_name }}
-                ({{ participation.tardiness }}′)
-              </span>
-            {% endif %}
-            {% for personal_note in doc.personal_notes.all %}
-              {% if personal_note.extra_mark %}
-                <span>
-                  {{ personal_note.person.short_name }}
-                  ({{ personal_note.extra_mark.short_name }})
+          </td>
+          <td class="lesson-subj">
+            {% include "chronos/partials/subject.html" with subject=doc.subject %}
+          </td>
+          <td class="lesson-topic">
+            {{ doc.topic }}
+          </td>
+          <td class="lesson-homework">{{ doc.homework }}</td>
+          <td class="lesson-notes">
+            {{ documentation.group_note }}
+            {% for participation in doc.notable_participations %}
+              {% if participation.absence_reason %}
+                <span class="lesson-note-absent">
+                  {{ participation.person.short_name }}
+                  <span style="color: {{ participation.absence_reason.colour }};">
+                    ({{ participation.absence_reason.short_name }})
+                  </span>
               {% endif %}
-              {% if personal_note.note %}
-                <span>
-                  {{ personal_note.person.short_name }}
-                  ({{ personal_note.note }})
+              {% if participation.tardiness %}
+                <span class="lesson-note-late">
+                  {{ participation.person.short_name }}
+                  ({{ participation.tardiness }}′)
               {% endif %}
+              {% for personal_note in doc.personal_notes.all %}
+                {% if personal_note.extra_mark %}
+                  <span>
+                    {{ personal_note.person.short_name }}
+                    ({{ personal_note.extra_mark.short_name }})
+                  </span>
+                {% endif %}
+                {% if personal_note.note %}
+                  <span>
+                    {{ personal_note.person.short_name }}
+                    ({{ personal_note.note }})
+                  </span>
+                {% endif %}
+              {% endfor %}
             {% endfor %}
-          {% endfor %}
-        </td>
-        <td class="lesson-te">
-          {% if documentation.topic %}
-            {{ doc.teachers.get_teachers_short_names|join:', ' }}
-          {% endif %}
-        </td>
-      </tr>
+          </td>
+          <td class="lesson-te">
+            {% if documentation.topic %}
+              {{ doc.teachers.get_teachers_short_names|join:', ' }}
+            {% endif %}
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      {% endfor %}
     {% endfor %}