diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index 9908ea032bc2a3b96d42b1c4ad01fbfee7c2153d..f7279f451fda09da09f32f6379319f0fca3b20b0 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Added
 * Integrate seating plans in lesson overview
+* Add option to set LessonDocumentation data for all lessons in one week at once.
diff --git a/aleksis/apps/alsijil/forms.py b/aleksis/apps/alsijil/forms.py
index 144188edf6599ddbe8f4c4d9a01828ab4b56dbf0..6f4e65b2022192c3cf5c0a7c4b44cc3e1731919e 100644
--- a/aleksis/apps/alsijil/forms.py
+++ b/aleksis/apps/alsijil/forms.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from guardian.shortcuts import get_objects_for_user
 from material import Fieldset, Layout, Row
 from aleksis.apps.chronos.managers import TimetableType
-from aleksis.apps.chronos.models import Subject, TimePeriod
+from aleksis.apps.chronos.models import LessonPeriod, Subject, TimePeriod
 from aleksis.core.forms import ActionForm, ListActionForm
 from aleksis.core.models import Group, Person, SchoolTerm
 from aleksis.core.util.core_helpers import get_site_preferences
@@ -45,6 +45,30 @@ class LessonDocumentationForm(forms.ModelForm):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         self.fields["homework"].label = _("Homework for the next lesson")
+        if (
+            self.instance.lesson_period
+            and get_site_preferences()["alsijil__allow_carry_over_same_week"]
+        ):
+            self.fields["carry_over_week"] = forms.BooleanField(
+                label=_("Carry over data to all other lessons with the same subject in this week"),
+                initial=True,
+                required=False,
+            )
+    def save(self, **kwargs):
+        lesson_documentation = super(LessonDocumentationForm, self).save(commit=True)
+        if (
+            self.cleaned_data["carry_over_week"]
+            and (
+                lesson_documentation.topic
+                or lesson_documentation.homework
+                or lesson_documentation.group_note
+            )
+            and lesson_documentation.lesson_period
+        ):
+            lesson_documentation.carry_over_data(
+                LessonPeriod.objects.filter(lesson=lesson_documentation.lesson_period.lesson)
+            )
 class PersonalNoteForm(forms.ModelForm):
diff --git a/aleksis/apps/alsijil/models.py b/aleksis/apps/alsijil/models.py
index 54e8be9c3bbdab2f2603ca423ec54f38550e22d5..b8189119f601b4ba8348d6fff94dd6de0c8fa0a2 100644
--- a/aleksis/apps/alsijil/models.py
+++ b/aleksis/apps/alsijil/models.py
@@ -337,15 +337,13 @@ class LessonDocumentation(RegisterObjectRelatedMixin, ExtensibleModel):
     homework = models.CharField(verbose_name=_("Homework"), max_length=200, blank=True)
     group_note = models.CharField(verbose_name=_("Group note"), max_length=200, blank=True)
-    def _carry_over_data(self):
-        """Carry over data to directly adjacent periods in this lesson if data is not already set.
+    def carry_over_data(self, all_periods_of_lesson: LessonPeriod):
+        """Carry over data to given periods in this lesson if data is not already set.
-        Can be deactivated using site preference ``alsijil__carry_over``.
+        Both forms of carrying over data can be deactivated using site preferences
+        ``alsijil__carry_over_next_periods`` and ``alsijil__allow_carry_over_same_week``
+        respectively.
-        all_periods_of_lesson = LessonPeriod.objects.filter(
-            lesson=self.lesson_period.lesson,
-            period__weekday=self.lesson_period.period.weekday,
-        )
         for period in all_periods_of_lesson:
             lesson_documentation = period.get_or_create_lesson_documentation(
                 CalendarWeek(week=self.week, year=self.year)
@@ -366,19 +364,24 @@ class LessonDocumentation(RegisterObjectRelatedMixin, ExtensibleModel):
                 changed = True
             if changed:
-                lesson_documentation.save(carry_over=False)
+                lesson_documentation.save(carry_over_next_periods=False)
     def __str__(self) -> str:
         return f"{self.lesson_period}, {self.date_formatted}"
-    def save(self, carry_over=True, *args, **kwargs):
+    def save(self, carry_over_next_periods=True, *args, **kwargs):
         if (
-            get_site_preferences()["alsijil__carry_over"]
+            get_site_preferences()["alsijil__carry_over_next_periods"]
             and (self.topic or self.homework or self.group_note)
             and self.lesson_period
-            and carry_over
+            and carry_over_next_periods
-            self._carry_over_data()
+            self.carry_over_data(
+                LessonPeriod.objects.filter(
+                    lesson=self.lesson_period.lesson,
+                    period__weekday=self.lesson_period.period.weekday,
+                )
+            )
         super().save(*args, **kwargs)
     class Meta:
diff --git a/aleksis/apps/alsijil/preferences.py b/aleksis/apps/alsijil/preferences.py
index c563321150ad30a2a3ec54134c3f842c572f4f2e..35d0984effae2264de0e53844682b09eb60ac3f8 100644
--- a/aleksis/apps/alsijil/preferences.py
+++ b/aleksis/apps/alsijil/preferences.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class EditLessonDocumentationAsOriginalTeacher(BooleanPreference):
 class CarryOverDataToNextPeriods(BooleanPreference):
     section = alsijil
-    name = "carry_over"
+    name = "carry_over_next_periods"
     default = True
     verbose_name = _(
         "Carry over data from first lesson period to the "
@@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ class CarryOverDataToNextPeriods(BooleanPreference):
     help_text = _("This will carry over data only if the data in the following periods are empty.")
+class AllowCarryOverLessonDocumentationToCurrentWeek(BooleanPreference):
+    section = alsijil
+    name = "allow_carry_over_same_week"
+    default = False
+    verbose_name = _(
+        "Allow carrying over data from any lesson period to all other lesson \
+                periods with the same lesson and in the same week"
+    )
+    help_text = _(
+        "This will carry over data only if the data in the aforementioned periods are empty."
+    )
 class CarryOverPersonalNotesToNextPeriods(BooleanPreference):
     section = alsijil