diff --git a/aleksis/apps/chronos/models.py b/aleksis/apps/chronos/models.py
index f2172e9c78cf02662c121f73d12c3babc8e04a7e..c40c6010ac323bb7950e100216a9262b6deb9cf0 100644
--- a/aleksis/apps/chronos/models.py
+++ b/aleksis/apps/chronos/models.py
@@ -1431,36 +1431,43 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
         return ", ".join([r.name for r in self.rooms.all()])
-    def value_title(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent") -> str:
+    def value_title(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent", request) -> str:
         """Get the title of the event."""
         if reference_object.title:
             return reference_object.title
         elif reference_object.subject:
-            return reference_object.subject.name + " · " + reference_object.group_names
+            title = reference_object.subject.name
+            if request.user.person in reference_object.teachers.all():
+                title += " · " + reference_object.group_names
+            else:
+                title += " · " + reference_object.teacher_names
+            if reference_object.rooms.all().exists():
+                title += " · " + reference_object.room_names
+            return title
         return _("Lesson")
-    def value_description(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent") -> str:
+    def value_description(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent", request) -> str:
         return render_to_string("chronos/lesson_event_description.txt", {"event": reference_object})
-    def value_color(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent") -> str:
+    def value_color(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent", request) -> str:
         """Get the color of the event."""
         return (
             if reference_object.subject
-            else super().value_color(reference_object)
+            else super().value_color(reference_object, request)
-    def value_organizer(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent") -> str:
+    def value_organizer(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent", request) -> str:
         """Get the organizer of the event."""
         # TODO: Do not use the teachers as organizer, because only one organizer is allowed
         return [t.get_vcal_address(role="CHAIR") for t in reference_object.teachers.all()]
-    def value_attendee(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent") -> str:
+    def value_attendee(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent", request) -> str:
         """Get the attendees of the event."""
         # FIXME: Permissions
         attendees = [t.get_vcal_address(role="CHAIR") for t in reference_object.teachers.all()] + [
@@ -1469,12 +1476,12 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
         return [a for a in attendees if a]
-    def value_location(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent") -> str:
+    def value_location(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent", request) -> str:
         """Get the location of the event."""
         return ", ".join([r.name for r in reference_object.rooms.all()])
-    def value_status(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent") -> str:
+    def value_status(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent", request) -> str:
         """Get the status of the event."""
         if reference_object.cancelled:
             return "CANCELLED"
@@ -1485,7 +1492,8 @@ class LessonEvent(CalendarEvent):
         """Return all objects that should be included in the calendar."""
         objs = super().get_objects(request)
         amended = objs.filter(
-            Q(teachers=request.user.person) | Q(groups__members=request.user.person)
+            Q(amended_by__isnull=False)
+            & (Q(teachers=request.user.person) | Q(groups__members=request.user.person))
         ).values_list("amended_by__pk", flat=True)
         return objs.filter(
@@ -1503,13 +1511,13 @@ class SupervisionEvent(LessonEvent):
     verbose_name = _("Supervisions")
-    def value_title(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent") -> str:
+    def value_title(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent", request) -> str:
         """Get the title of the event."""
         return _("Supervision: {}").format(reference_object.room_names)
-    def value_description(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent") -> str:
+    def value_description(cls, reference_object: "LessonEvent", request) -> str:
         return render_to_string(
             "chronos/supervision_event_description.txt", {"event": reference_object}