Changelog ========= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on `Keep a Changelog`_, and this project adheres to `Semantic Versioning`_. Unreleased ---------- Added ~~~~~ * Open poster group menu entries in new tab. Fixed ~~~~~ * Live documents table showed two "Actions" columns. * Button for creation of live documents was there even if there weren't any live document types registered. `2.0`_ - 2021-12-27 ------------------- Nothing changed. `2.0b1`_ - 2021-11-07 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Provide API view for accessing the current PDF file of a live document (secured with OAuth2). Changed ~~~~~~~ * German translations were updated. `2.0b0`_ - 2021-11-03 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Provide ``Poster`` model for time-based documents. * Organise posters in poster groups. * Return current poster of a poster group as PDF file under a specific endpoint. * Provide ``LiveDocument`` for periodically updated documents. .. _Keep a Changelog: .. _Semantic Versioning: .. _2.0b0: .. _2.0b1: .. _2.0: