diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index 913ee66b4b959a59baa53dde3578825274c2e7dd..45dd496a1c7e6c36f4e3598505d6c54871c252e1 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -9,25 +9,43 @@ and this project adheres to `Semantic Versioning`_.
-Breaking changes
+* Notification drawer in top nav bar
+* GraphQL queries and mutations for core data management
+* Rewrite of frontend using Vuetify
-* The frontend is being rewritten as a Vue.js application compeltely separated from
-  the backend. This requires changes to deployments. The admin docs have been updated
-  accordingly. Administrators need to make sure to read the updated guide before
-  upgrading AlekSIS-Core to this version!
+* Support for materialize-based frontend views (deprecated in 2.11)
+`2.11`_ - 2022-08-27
+This release sunsets the 2.x series of the AleKSIS core.
 * All frontends using Django views and Django templates are deprecated and support
-  for them will be removed in AlekSIS-Core 4.0. All frontend code must be written in
+  for them will be removed in AlekSIS-Core 3.0. All frontend code must be written in
   Vue.js and be properly separated from the backend. In the same spirit, all backend
-  features must expose GraphQL APIs for the frontendd to use
+  features must expose GraphQL APIs for the frontend to use.
+The following features are introduced here mainly to simplify gradual
+updates. GraphQL and the Vuetify/Vue.js frontend mechanisms are preview
+functionality and app developers should not rely on them before AlekSIS-Core
 * Introduce GraphQL API and Vue.js frontend implementation
 * Introduce webpack bundling for frontend code
@@ -916,3 +934,4 @@ Fixed
 .. _2.10: https://edugit.org/AlekSIS/Official/AlekSIS/-/tags/2.10
 .. _2.10.1: https://edugit.org/AlekSIS/Official/AlekSIS/-/tags/2.10.1
 .. _2.10.2: https://edugit.org/AlekSIS/Official/AlekSIS/-/tags/2.10.2
+.. _2.11: https://edugit.org/AlekSIS/Official/AlekSIS/-/tags/2.11