diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index 96580f3e1728884b31900234a92313ffe488b265..f1e79e5ab9054bccbd00a2414a424205e2e1e436 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Fixed
 * Some combinations of allowed self-edit fields on persons could cause errors
 * Some preferences were required when they shouldn't, and vice versa.
 * IO errors on accessing backup directory in health check are now properly reported
+* Date picker was not properly initialized if field was already filled.
 `2.6`_ - 2022-01-10
diff --git a/aleksis/core/settings.py b/aleksis/core/settings.py
index 05a460d13da4560a2aa8d07b18647e962800b925..4acb398f7762f40775864e50cbfd1d5bf4b62d58 100644
--- a/aleksis/core/settings.py
+++ b/aleksis/core/settings.py
@@ -550,6 +550,7 @@ YARN_INSTALLED_APPS = [
+    "luxon",
@@ -582,6 +583,7 @@ ANY_JS = {
     "Roboto900": {"css_url": JS_URL + "/@fontsource/roboto/900.css"},
     "Sentry": {"js_url": JS_URL + "/@sentry/tracing/build/bundle.tracing.js"},
     "cleavejs": {"js_url": "cleave.js/dist/cleave.min.js"},
+    "luxon": {"js_url": JS_URL + "/luxon/build/global/luxon.min.js"},
 merge_app_settings("ANY_JS", ANY_JS, True)
diff --git a/aleksis/core/static/js/main.js b/aleksis/core/static/js/main.js
index 0610cbae2c6904572ae4b8b6714a12b67382c133..9b4c133e1ae7db5906645963cfd7182da313ca01 100644
--- a/aleksis/core/static/js/main.js
+++ b/aleksis/core/static/js/main.js
@@ -1,8 +1,59 @@
+// Define maps between Python's strftime and Luxon's and Materialize's proprietary formats
+const pythonToMomentJs = {
+    "%a": "EEE",
+    "%A": "EEEE",
+    "%w": "E",
+    "%d": "dd",
+    "%b": "MMM",
+    "%B": "MMMM",
+    "%m": "MM",
+    "%y": "yy",
+    "%Y": "yyyy",
+    "%H": "HH",
+    "%I": "hh",
+    "%p": "a",
+    "%M": "mm",
+    "%s": "ss",
+    "%f": "SSSSSS",
+    "%z": "ZZZ",
+    "%Z": "z",
+    "%U": "WW",
+    "%j": "ooo",
+    "%W": "WW",
+    "%u": "E",
+    "%G": "kkkk",
+    "%V": "WW",
+const pythonToMaterialize = {
+    "%d": "dd",
+    "%a": "ddd",
+    "%A": "dddd",
+    "%m": "mm",
+    "%b": "mmm",
+    "%B": "mmmm",
+    "%y": "yy",
+    "%Y": "yyyy",
+function buildDateFormat(formatString, map) {
+    // Convert a Python strftime format string to another format string
+    for (const key in map) {
+        formatString = formatString.replace(key, map[key]);
+    }
+    return formatString;
 function initDatePicker(sel) {
     // Initialize datepicker [MAT]
-    const format = get_format('SHORT_DATE_FORMAT').toLowerCase().replace('d', 'dd').replace('m', 'mm').replace('y', 'yyyy');
+    // Get the date format from Django
+    const dateInputFormat = get_format('DATE_INPUT_FORMATS')[0]
+    const inputFormat = buildDateFormat(dateInputFormat, pythonToMomentJs);
+    const outputFormat = buildDateFormat(dateInputFormat, pythonToMaterialize);
     const el = $(sel).datepicker({
-        format: format,
+        format: outputFormat,
         // Pull translations from Django helpers
         i18n: {
             months: calendarweek_i18n.month_names,
@@ -22,7 +73,16 @@ function initDatePicker(sel) {
         autoClose: true,
         yearRange: [new Date().getFullYear() - 100, new Date().getFullYear() + 100],
-    el.datepicker("setDate", $(sel).val());
+    // Set initial values of datepickers
+    $(sel).each(function () {
+        const currentValue = $(this).val();
+        if (currentValue) {
+            const currentDate = luxon.DateTime.fromFormat(currentValue, inputFormat).toJSDate();
+            $(this).datepicker('setDate', currentDate);
+        }
+    });
     return el;
diff --git a/aleksis/core/templates/core/base.html b/aleksis/core/templates/core/base.html
index 7fd4e38f8449b0a649fcd01e08051a2332070a15..745a6668cdc42eb265536950a0acbecfb57ee537 100644
--- a/aleksis/core/templates/core/base.html
+++ b/aleksis/core/templates/core/base.html
@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@
+{% include_js "luxon" %}
 {% include_js "materialize" %}
 {% include_js "sortablejs" %}
 {% include_js "jquery-sortablejs" %}