Project 'Teckids/BiscuIT/BiscuIT-ng' was moved to 'AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS-Core'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
Debian packaging of dependencies
New packages
The following packages need completely new packaging:
- calendarweek
- celery-haystack-ng
- celery-progress
- charset-normalizer
- django-any-js
- django-bleach
- django-cachalot
- django-cache-memoize
- django-celery-email
- django-ckeditor
- django-cleanup
- django-dbbackup
- django-dynamic-preferences
- django-favicon-plus-reloaded
- django-maintenance-mode
- django-material (workflow::blocked because of some JS libs)
- django-menu-generator-ng
- django-otp-yubikey
- django-phonenumber-field
- django-render-block
- django-select2
- django-templated-email
- django-titofisto
- django-uwsgi-ng – this replaces django-uwsgi, which has a dead upstream
- django-widget-tweaks
- haystack-redis
- persisting-theory
- rules
- spdx-license-list – blocked by packaging/licensing/etc. issues; can be patched out easily
- YubiOTP
- paper-css
- materialize-css
- select2-materialize
- jquery-sortablejs
- sortablejs
- jquery-datetimepicker
- php-date-formatter
- turbolinks
- native-shim
- perfect-scrollbar
Needed update
The following packages need to be updated:
- django-oauth-toolkit
- django-sass-processor
- dynaconf
- python3-openid
- requests-oauthlib
Maybe need update
The following packages might need to be updated, but not necessarily (might work with old version):
- beautifulsoup4
- celery
- certifi
- click-repl
- cryptography
- decorator
- defusedxml
- django-allauth
- django-celery-beat
- django-celery-results
- django-extensions
- django-guardian
- django-health-check
- django-impersonate
- django-js-reverse
- django-otp
- django-timezone-field
- kombu
- libsass
- packaging
- Pillow
- prometheus-client
- psycopg2
- pycryptodome
- Pygments
- requests
- tqdm
- wcwidth
- django-ckeditor:
- django-phonenumber-field: