Defining the workload of a transition
While compiling graph theory basics for our newcomers, I noticed that we completely missed out on the weight of edges (In a weighted graph, each edge has a weight, e.g. the length of the road between two nodes in a road network). The weight is taken into account when finding paths through the graph.
I think we also have weights in SkilLFlux, because our transitions are agnostic of their implementation. In order to achieve a skillset, two transitions might be available. The difference might be how long it takes to go through the transition, and how much effort it is (e.g. time).
One way forward could be to require all transitions torequire equal effort, and transitions being split up in a way to make them equally effortful.
The other option would be to give transitions a weight that hints on the effort required to experience the transition.
If we decide to introduce weights, we need a positively conotated word along the lines of the existing terms for it as well.