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Title: COVID-19 - Open access services for online teaching
Date: 2020-03-15
Author: Kirill Schmidt
Translated_by: Philip Hands (with help from Google Translate)
Language: en
Due to the spread of COVID-19,
schools are being closed across the board
and teachers and pupils are going to
have to communicate via the Internet.
Here we list free tools that can be used by teachers
to create a remote teaching environment for a class.
### 1. Jitsi Meet
Jitsi Meet is a web application for audio and video conferencing,
which teachers and pupils can use for online lessons.
Each participant sees a tile view showing the transmissions of others.
A click on the Hand symbol allows one to "put their hand up".
It is also possible to transmit the contents
of the user's screen, or just a single window,
instead of the video feed.
This allows the teacher to show slides etc.
There is also a text-based chat facility
via which information such as links can be shared.
#### Where can I find Jitsi Meet?
As well as the
[official instance](,
Teckids also provide an instance of Jitsi Meet
specifically for use in education.
The address is [](
Jitsi Meet can be accessed with Desktop devices from the web browser
or on smartphones/tablets with the Jitsi Meet app (available from app stores).
#### Do I need to have an account to use Jitsi Meet?
No, Jitsi Meet works without an account.
One simply shares the link that leads to the conference room.
All participants then need to click that link,
and then grant access to the microphone and camera in the browser.
#### How can I see who is participating in the video conference?
The participants can use the three-dots menu
at the bottom right of the browser window
to identify themselves by specifying (first) name
and, if applicable, email address.
#### Who can create conference rooms?
Anyone can create rooms, without restriction.
#### Can I create passwords for rooms?
Room Passwords can be set via the "i"
that is to be found at the bottom right of the browser window.
#### Are pure audio conferences also possible?
Yes, that is also possible.
However, if you do not need video or screen transmission,
we would request that you use the Mumble tool instead (see below)
to save resources.
### 2. Moodle
Moodle is a learning platform for managing online courses,
creating tasks and uploading learning material.
It is remarkable because students are able to
simply verify their results
as well as being able to submit their work via the platform.
One can get a good overview of
the extensive functionality by looking at the
[Teacher quick guide](
on the official Moodle website.
#### Where can I use Moodle?
Many schools and school authorities offer Moodle instances.
In addition, the Moodle instance run by Teckids e.V. can be found here:
and is available to all.
#### Do I need an account for Moodle?
To create a course you need an account (see Teckids account below).
Access to existing courses
is possible for guests without an account,
if the course settings allow.
#### Who can access my courses?
Access can be granted via the Course Administration area.
Courses can also be secured with passwords.
#### Do I have to install extra software?
No, Moodle works entirely in the browser.
However, there is also a Moodle app for smartphones.
### 3. Nextcloud
Nextcloud is a platform for managing files
and sharing them either publicly or privately.
It works in a way that should be familiar from other cloud services.
It also offers other facilities such as Calendar, polls or to-do lists.
### Where can I find a Nextcloud instance?
Teckids e.V. offers the use of its Nextcloud instance at
[]( There are also many
commercial providers as well as the possibility of self-hosting.
#### Do I need an account?
To upload files to the cloud, you need an Account
(see Teckids account).
Uploaded files and/or created directories can be made available
to unregistered users, by sharing links.
Depending on the settings, shared folders can be created
that allow uploads by non-registered participants.
#### Do I have to install extra software?
Nextcloud can be used in the browser, but there is also software for
Synchronization with a computer or with Android or iOS devices.
### 4. Mumble
Mumble is software that you can use to hold online voice conferences.
This can even work reliably with quite poor internet connections
(e.g. over the cell phone network).
#### Where can I find Mumble?
Teckids provides a Mumble server at
which anyone is allowed to use.
#### Do I need an account?
No registration is required to use Mumble.
However, if you want to be able to save conference rooms permanently,
that requires you to complete a simple,
one-time registration that is done within Mumble.
(self -> Register in the menu).
A Teckids account is not necessary.
#### Do I have to install extra software?
Yes, you need to install additional software. But this is Free and
gratis and is available from the normal package systems for Linux
distributions, from various app Stores or alternatively can be
downloaded direct from the [Mumble website] (
and then installed.
#### Can I create my own conference rooms?
Yes, it is possible.
#### Are these rooms private or can other users enter them?
One can restrict access to the conference rooms by assigning a password
or by maintaining a list of authorized users.
### Teckids account
As mentioned above, a Teckids account is required
in order to access some of our services.
Registration is free.
The terms of use and the operation of the services
allow students to register without any legal hurdles.
Anybody can [register for an account](
via our administrative software ([TIC-Desk](
It is important to use correct/valid data
as we have to block accounts with obviously incorrect data.
The required personal data fulfil the German legal requirements
both of "data frugality" and protection of the young.
### Service operation
[Teckids e.V.]( is a non-profit organization
in which pupils, educators and computer scientists
work together to develop Free Software, not only educational software,
but also software useful for supporting educators in their work.
Our team are doing their best to expand the services we offer,
in response to the current situation.
We would particularly like to thank
Kirill Schmidt, Benedict Suska, Tom Teichler,
Philipp Stahl, Jakob Kirsch and Jonah Döll
(ages 10 to 16) for their work.
We welcome offers of support (either financial or practical)
where they help to ease the challenges we face.
Should we have sparked your curiosity about
providing free and open tools,
the team is available via e-mail for presentations
and consultations in schools
(under normal circumstances -- Jitsi might be a better idea at present).
#### Support and questions
The team is available from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. for support requests, via email: