diff --git a/content/blog/2025/01/2025-01-31_fosdem-junior-petition/index.en.md b/content/blog/2025/01/2025-01-31_fosdem-junior-petition/index.en.md
index f604c561ded1f6bdc7e099315718abdb784d2cb0..6a76a9a4bc36cc20f1fd8ef818c1d4268bda361b 100644
--- a/content/blog/2025/01/2025-01-31_fosdem-junior-petition/index.en.md
+++ b/content/blog/2025/01/2025-01-31_fosdem-junior-petition/index.en.md
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ Cloudflare.
 In their privacy policy, Raspberry Pi Foundation reserves the right to collect
 an enormous amount of personal information, including such things as physical
 addresses, birthdays, gender information, and even "CCTV images".
-The latter might arguably only aaply to physical visits to their offices, but the
+The latter might arguably only apply to physical visits to their offices, but the
 provacy policy, as it stands, states that every website visitor might be affected
 by such data processing.
 For "operational reasons", all data may be shared with Google Workspace, Amazon Web
 Services machines, and Salesforce. The Raspberry Pi Foundation claims that all these systems
-are operated within the UK, which left the European Union, thus posing even mroe dfficulties
+are operated within the UK, which left the European Union, thus posing even more dfficulties
 on GDPR-compliant data processing when children from within the EU are affected.
 ## Closed platforms and GAFAM dependencies in workshops