
Nik | Klampfradler
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.utils.timezone import localdate, now
from aleksis.apps.chronos.models import LessonEvent
from aleksis.apps.cursus.models import Course
from aleksis.core.models import Group, Person
from aleksis.core.util.core_helpers import get_site_preferences

Nik | Klampfradler
from aleksis.core.util.predicates import check_object_permission
from ..models import Documentation, PersonalNote
def is_group_owner(user: User, obj: Union[Group, Person]) -> bool:
"""Predicate for group owners of a given group.
Checks whether the person linked to the user is the owner of the given group.
If there isn't provided a group, it will return `False`.
if isinstance(obj, Group) and user.person in obj.owners.all():
return True
def is_person_group_owner(user: User, obj) -> bool:
Predicate for group owners of any group.
Checks whether the person linked to the user is
the owner of any group of the given person.
return Group.objects.filter(owners=user.person).exists()
def can_register_absence_for_at_least_one_group(user: User, obj) -> bool:
"""Predicate for registering absence for at least one group."""
group_types = get_site_preferences()["alsijil__group_types_register_absence"]
qs = Group.objects.filter(owners=user.person)
if not group_types:
return qs.exists()
return qs.filter(group_type__in=group_types).exists()
def can_register_absence_for_person(user: User, obj: Person) -> bool:
"""Predicate for registering absence for person."""
group_types = get_site_preferences()["alsijil__group_types_register_absence"]
qs = obj.member_of.filter(owners=user.person)
if not group_types:
return qs.exists()
return qs.filter(group_type__in=group_types).exists()

Jonathan Weth
def use_prefetched(obj, attr):
prefetched_attr = f"{attr}_prefetched"
if hasattr(obj, prefetched_attr):
return getattr(obj, prefetched_attr)
return getattr(obj, attr).all()
def has_person_group_object_perm(perm: str):
"""Predicate builder for permissions on a set of member groups.
Checks whether a user has a permission on any group of a person.
name = f"has_person_group_object_perm:{perm}"

Jonathan Weth
groups = use_prefetched(obj, "member_of")
return any(check_object_permission(user, perm, group, checker_obj=obj) for group in groups)
def is_group_member(user: User, obj: Union[Group, Person]) -> bool:
"""Predicate for group membership.
Checks whether the person linked to the user is a member of the given group.
If there isn't provided a group, it will return `False`.
if isinstance(obj, Group) and user.person in obj.members.all():
return True

Hangzhi Yu
def is_parent_group_owner(user: User, obj: Group) -> bool:
"""Predicate which checks whether the user is the owner of any parent group of the group."""
if hasattr(obj, "parent_groups"):
for parent_group in use_prefetched(obj, "parent_groups"):
if user.person in use_prefetched(parent_group, "owners"):

Hangzhi Yu
return True
return False
def is_group_role_assignment_group_owner(user: User, obj: Union[Group, Person]) -> bool:
"""Predicate for group owners of a group role assignment.
Checks whether the person linked to the user is the owner of the groups
linked to the given group role assignment.
If there isn't provided a group role assignment, it will return `False`.
if obj:
for group in obj.groups.all():
if user.person in list(group.owners.all()):
return True
return False
def is_owner_of_any_group(user: User, obj):
"""Predicate which checks if the person is group owner of any group."""
return Group.objects.filter(owners=user.person).exists()
def is_course_teacher(user: User, obj: Course):
"""Predicate for teachers of a course.
Checks whether the person linked to the user is a teacher in the course.
if obj:
return user.person in obj.teachers.all()
return False
def is_lesson_event_teacher(user: User, obj: LessonEvent):
"""Predicate for teachers of a lesson event.
Checks whether the person linked to the user is a teacher in the lesson event.
return user.person in obj.all_teachers
return False
def is_course_member(user: User, obj: Course):
"""Predicate for members of a course.
Checks whether the person linked to the user is a member in the course.
if obj:
for g in obj.groups.all():
if user.person in g.members.all():
return True
return False
def is_course_group_owner(user: User, obj: Course):
"""Predicate for group owners of a course.
Checks whether the person linked to the user is a owner of any group
(or their respective parent groups) linked to the course.
if obj:
for g in obj.groups.all():
if user.person in g.owners.all():
return True
for pg in g.parent_groups.all():
if user.person in pg.owners.all():
return True
return False
def is_lesson_event_member(user: User, obj: LessonEvent):
"""Predicate for members of a lesson event.
Checks whether the person linked to the user is a member in the lesson event,
or a members of the course, if the lesson event has one.
if obj:
for g in obj.groups.all():
if user.person in g.members.all():
return True
return False
def is_lesson_event_group_owner(user: User, obj: LessonEvent):
"""Predicate for group owners of a lesson event.
Checks whether the person linked to the user is a owner of any group
(or their respective parent groups) linked to the lesson event,
or a owner of any group linked to the course, if the lesson event has one.
if obj:
for g in obj.groups.all():
if user.person in g.owners.all():
return True
for pg in g.parent_groups.all():
if user.person in pg.owners.all():
return True
def is_documentation_teacher(user: User, obj: Documentation):
"""Predicate for teachers of a documentation.
Checks whether the person linked to the user is a teacher in the documentation.
if obj:
if not str("DUMMY") and hasattr(obj, "teachers"):
teachers = obj.teachers
teachers = obj.amends.teachers if obj.amends.teachers else obj.amends.amends.teachers
return False
def can_view_documentation(user: User, obj: Documentation):
"""Predicate which checks if the user is allowed to view a documentation."""
if obj:
if is_documentation_teacher(user, obj):
return True
is_lesson_event_teacher(user, obj.amends)
| is_lesson_event_member(user, obj.amends)
| is_lesson_event_group_owner(user, obj.amends)
def can_view_any_documentation(user: User):
"""Predicate which checks if the user is allowed to view any documentation."""
allowed_lesson_events = LessonEvent.objects.related_to_person(user.person)
if allowed_lesson_events.exists():
return True
if Documentation.objects.filter(
| Q(amends__in=allowed_lesson_events)
return True
return False
def can_edit_documentation(user: User, obj: Documentation):
"""Predicate which checks if the user is allowed to edit or delete a documentation."""
if obj:
if is_documentation_teacher(user, obj):
return True
if obj.amends:
return is_lesson_event_teacher(user, obj.amends) | is_lesson_event_group_owner(
user, obj.amends
def can_view_participation_status(user: User, obj: Documentation):
"""Predicate which checks if the user is allowed to view participation for a documentation."""
if obj:

Jonathan Weth
if obj.amends and obj.amends.cancelled:
return False
if is_documentation_teacher(user, obj):
return True
if obj.amends:
return is_lesson_event_teacher(user, obj.amends) | is_lesson_event_group_owner(
user, obj.amends
if obj.course:
return is_course_teacher(user, obj.course)
return False
def can_edit_participation_status(user: User, obj: Documentation):
"""Predicate which checks if the user is allowed to edit participation for a documentation."""
if obj:

Jonathan Weth
if obj.amends and obj.amends.cancelled:
return False
if is_documentation_teacher(user, obj):
return True
if obj.amends:
return is_lesson_event_teacher(user, obj.amends) | is_lesson_event_group_owner(
user, obj.amends
return False
def is_in_allowed_time_range(user: User, obj: Union[Documentation, PersonalNote]):
"""Predicate for documentations or new personal notes with linked documentation.
Predicate which checks if the given documentation or the documentation linked
to the given PersonalNote is in the allowed time range for editing.
if isinstance(obj, PersonalNote):
if obj and (
get_site_preferences()["alsijil__allow_edit_future_documentations"] == "all"
or (
get_site_preferences()["alsijil__allow_edit_future_documentations"] == "current_day"
and obj.value_start_datetime(obj).date() <= localdate()
or (
get_site_preferences()["alsijil__allow_edit_future_documentations"] == "current_time"
and obj.value_start_datetime(obj) <= now()
def is_in_allowed_time_range_for_participation_status(user: User, obj: Documentation):
"""Predicate which checks if the documentation is in the allowed time range for editing."""
if obj and obj.value_start_datetime(obj) <= now():
def can_view_personal_note(user: User, obj: PersonalNote):
"""Predicate which checks if the user is allowed to view a personal note."""
if obj.documentation:
if is_documentation_teacher(user, obj.documentation):
return True
if obj.documentation.amends:
return is_lesson_event_teacher(
user, obj.documentation.amends
) | is_lesson_event_group_owner(user, obj.documentation.amends)
if obj.documentation.course:
return is_course_teacher(user, obj.documentation.course)
return False
def can_edit_personal_note(user: User, obj: PersonalNote):
"""Predicate which checks if the user is allowed to edit a personal note."""
if obj.documentation:
if is_documentation_teacher(user, obj.documentation):
return True
if obj.documentation.amends:
return is_lesson_event_teacher(
user, obj.documentation.amends
) | is_lesson_event_group_owner(user, obj.documentation.amends)
return False
def can_view_statistics_for_person(user: User, obj: Person) -> bool:
"""Predicate for registering absence for person."""
group_types = get_site_preferences()["alsijil__group_types_view_person_statistics"]
qs = obj.member_of.filter(owners=user.person)
return False
return qs.filter(group_type__in=group_types).exists()