Add export functionality to course book
The contents of a course book should be exportable, e.g. in PDF format. It should be configurable which filters should be applied when exporting, e.g. the school term that should be covered or the groups/courses the export should contain.
Use existing view for PDF generation and use new data model
Move different parts into own templates
Button in coursebook "Print"
- opens dialog allowing to configure the printout
- which groups to include (default: currently selected in the coursebook)
- which parts to include (default: site preference)
- opens dialog allowing to configure the printout
just use days instead of weeks in coursebook table
introduce a second PDF export view for a single detailed overview of a person
use separate lists for participation status and personal notes on detail overview of person
respect permissions for personal details about persons (maybe already the case)
Configurable parts (each in own templates):
- cover sheet (mandatory)
- short names
- persons table
- teachers and subjects table (timebound course configs if lesrooster is used)
- detail overviews of persons
- actual coursebook
base on !396 (merged) and !361 (merged)