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The main issue we should focus on right now – the things above aren't confirmed yet – is the following behavior:
Set student absent for a whole day using the extend participation status feature.
Some, but not all teachers are doing their coursebook entries on this day – so participation statuses are not created for all lessons on this day
A week later, class teacher marks student excused for a the whole day using the absence creation form
One of teachers is doing his coursebook entry for the day the student was absent and is now excused
Question: Right now, there are probably two different absences in Kolego for this day and person, one with absent and one with excused status – or is the absence in Kolego updated? What is happening if the absences are overlapping? This has to be done correctly and the student definitely has to be marked as excused in step 4.
as far as I can reproduce this now, the extend participation status feature does not work at all – that is, when touching documentations with participants having a overlapping kolego absence created earlier on with said feature, that absence is not taken into regard when creating participation statuses
Right now, there are probably two different absences in Kolego for this day and person, one with absent and one with excused status – or is the absence in Kolego updated?
no, it is not. There are two overlapping kolego absences present as a result of the actions laid out above.
Since, apparently, absences are not correctly taken into regard when documentations are touched/participation statuses are created (the issues seems to be that no fitting absences are found for the time span that the documentation covers), the student is also not marked as excused in step 4 of the sketched workflow.
Check & probably fix consideration of kolego absences when creating participations
(after the to-do above has been done) Clarify how overlapping kolego absences are handled when automatically creating participations based on them – automatically take the newer one (based on creation timestamp) @hansegucker ?
update fully overlapping kolego absences when new absence is created (in example: update initial "absent" absence to "excused") – question: are people supposed to be able to have more than one kolego absence? If yes, how do we decide when to update absences when they fully overlap? Should this happen at all, or is fixing the two points above enough @hansegucker ?
Regarding the other two points: I don't believe that overlapping absences really make sense (e.g. a teacher is either sick or on vacation, but if they are sick on vacation, they are still on vacation…). So we should probably disallow overlapping absences. If we don't (or can't), then probably only update the newest one.
Regarding overlapping kolego absences: In a scenario in which some person has one longer absence and then (for whatever reason) a shorter absence is added which fully overlaps the first absence, what should happen? Should the first absence be split? Should the overlap be tolerated? I'm not sure if scenarios like this always represent an inconsistent state
Devmeeting decided: there should only be one absence per person at any given time. If an absence overlapping another absence is added, the older absences should be cut in order to give room for the new absence. See AlekSIS/onboarding/AlekSIS-App-Kolego#32 (closed)