from datetime import date

Jonathan Weth
from typing import Optional, Union
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from jsonstore import BooleanField
from aleksis.core.models import Announcement, Group, Person
from .models import Lesson, LessonPeriod, Subject
def is_teacher(self):
return self.lesson_periods_as_teacher.exists()
def timetable_type(self) -> Optional[TimetableType]:

Jonathan Weth
if self.is_teacher:

Jonathan Weth
elif self.primary_group:

Jonathan Weth
return None

Jonathan Weth
def timetable_object(self) -> Optional[Union[Group, Person]]:
"""Return the object which has the user's timetable."""

Jonathan Weth
type_ = self.timetable_type

Jonathan Weth
return self

Jonathan Weth
return self.primary_group
return None
def lessons_as_participant(self):
"""Return a `QuerySet` containing all `Lesson`s this person participates in (as student).
.. note:: Only available when AlekSIS-App-Chronos is installed.
:Date: 2019-11-07
- Dominik George <>
def lesson_periods_as_participant(self):
"""Return a `QuerySet` containing all `LessonPeriod`s this person participates in (as student).
.. note:: Only available when AlekSIS-App-Chronos is installed.
:Date: 2019-11-07
- Dominik George <>
return LessonPeriod.objects.filter(lesson__groups__members=self)
def lesson_periods_as_teacher(self):
"""Return a `QuerySet` containing all `Lesson`s this person gives (as teacher).
.. note:: Only available when AlekSIS-App-Chronos is installed.
:Date: 2019-11-07
- Dominik George <>
return LessonPeriod.objects.filter(lesson__teachers=self)
def lessons_on_day(self, day: date):
"""Get all lessons of this person (either as participant or teacher) on the given day."""
return LessonPeriod.objects.order_by("period__period").on_day(day).filter_from_person(self)
def _adjacent_lesson(
self, lesson_period: "LessonPeriod", day: date, offset: int = 1
) -> Union["LessonPeriod", None]:
"""Get next/previous lesson of the person (either as participant or teacher) on the same day."""
daily_lessons = self.lessons_on_day(day)
if not daily_lessons:
return None
ids = list(daily_lessons.values_list("id", flat=True))
index = ids.index(
if (offset > 0 and index + offset < len(ids)) or (offset < 0 and index >= -offset):
return daily_lessons[index + offset]
return None
def next_lesson(self, lesson_period: "LessonPeriod", day: date) -> Union["LessonPeriod", None]:
"""Get next lesson of the person (either as participant or teacher) on the same day."""
return self._adjacent_lesson(lesson_period, day)
def previous_lesson(self, lesson_period: "LessonPeriod", day: date) -> Union["LessonPeriod", None]:
"""Get previous lesson of the person (either as participant or teacher) on the same day."""
return self._adjacent_lesson(lesson_period, day, offset=-1)
def for_timetables(cls):
"""Return all announcements that should be shown in timetable views."""
return cls.objects.filter(show_in_timetables=True)
show_in_timetables=BooleanField(verbose_name=_("Show announcement in timetable views?"))
Group.foreign_key("subject", Subject, related_name="groups")