Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 14-remove-hard-dependency-on-chronos
- 15-add-empty-default-mail-if-no-admins-are-available
- 2-merge-todo-use-select2
- 26-subject-in-mails-broken
- 46-docs-ci-fails-to-build-without-test-suite
- 51-iframe-height-in-legacyview-for-faq-page-broken
- 8-make-issueform-more-dynamic
- check/update-pyproject-toml
- feature/use-entrypoints
- feature/vuejs
- file-refs
- fix-docker-build
- fix-readme-reference
- i10n-ru-ua
- include-my-work-from-our-last-meeting
- master default protected
- release/2.0 protected
- renovate/eslint-9.x
- renovate/eslint-config-prettier-10.x
- renovate/eslint-plugin-vue-10.x
- Tags 14
- 4.0.0.dev1 protected
- 4.0.0.dev0 protected
- 3.0 protected
- 3.0b0 protected
- 2.1 protected
- 2.0.2 protected
- 2.0.1 protected
- 2.0 protected
- 2.0rc3 protected
- 2.0rc2 protected
- 2.0rc1 protected
- 2.0b1 protected
- 2.0b0 protected
- 2.0a2 protected
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