Resolve "Not mensa-specific"
Closes #1 (closed)
Closes #2 (closed)
Edited by Jonathan Weth
Merge request reports
added workflow::confirmed label
added 2 commits
added 1 commit
- 5cc3f858 - Refactor this app to support multiple poster groups with own configuration
added 1 commit
- 0f276fb3 - Refactor this app to support multiple poster groups with own configuration
added 2 commits
requested review from @ZugBahnHof
requested review from @yuha and removed review request for @ZugBahnHof
- The week number refers to the previous week, example: If you select week 27, the document is displayed between 28.06. and 04.07. However, my calendar says that calendar week 27 is from 05.07.-11.07.
- Uploaded posters can only be displayed or deleted. Why is it not possible to edit them, e.g. to update the document?
- You cannot upload a document to poster group B in week X if one already exists in poster group A for this week.
- Menu entry of a second poster group is not displayed.
Edited by Jonathan WethYou cannot upload a document to poster group B in week X if one already exists in poster group A for this week.
Now fixed. Please pull and migrate to test.
Edited by Jonathan Wethadded 2 commits
Menu entry of a second poster group is not displayed.
I can't reproduce this. Can you please give some additional information on this? What did you select for "Show in menu" and "Show for not-logged in users"?
Edited by Jonathan Weth
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