Nik | Klampfradler authored
* Update django-two-factor-auth to current release * Allow phunnumber-field 3.x or 4.x while django-two-factor-auth still crunch https://github.com/Bouke/django-two-factor-auth/pull/326 * Run poetry update * Update django-image-cropping and easy_thumbnails for DJango 3.0 support (cf. !61 and #75)
Nik | Klampfradler authored* Update django-two-factor-auth to current release * Allow phunnumber-field 3.x or 4.x while django-two-factor-auth still crunch https://github.com/Bouke/django-two-factor-auth/pull/326 * Run poetry update * Update django-image-cropping and easy_thumbnails for DJango 3.0 support (cf. !61 and #75)