Jonathan Weth authoredJonathan Weth authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
CHANGELOG.rst 3.56 KiB
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
2.0a2 - 2020-05-04
- Frontend-ased announcement management.
- Auto-create Person on User creation.
- Select primary group by pattern if unset.
- Shortcut to personal information page.
- Support for defining group types.
- Add description to Person.
- age_at method and age property to Person.
- Synchronise AlekSIS groups with Django groups.
- Add celery worker, celery-beat worker and celery broker to docker-compose setup.
- Global search.
- License information page.
- Roles and permissions.
- User preferences.
- Additional fields for people per group.
- Support global permission flags by LDAP group.
- Persistent announcements.
- Custom menu entries (e.g. in footer).
- New logo for AlekSIS.
- Two factor authentication with Yubikey, OTP or SMS.
- Devs: Add ExtensibleModel to allow apps to add fields, properties.
- Devs: Support multiple recipient object for one announcement.
- Make short_name for group optional.
- Generalised live loading of widgets for dashboard.
- Devs: Add some CSS helper classes for colours.
- Devs: Mandate use of AlekSIS base model.
- Devs: Drop import_ref field(s); apps shold now define their own reference fields.
- DateTimeField Announcement.valid_from received a naive datetime.
- Enable SASS processor in production.
- Fix too short fields.
- Load select2 locally.
2.0a1 - 2020-02-01
- Migrate to MaterializeCSS.
- Dashboard.
- Notifications via SMS (Twilio), Email or on the dashboard.
- Admin interface.
- Turn into installable, progressive web app.
- Devs: Background Tasks with Celery.
- Customisable save_button template.
- Redesign error pages.
- setup_data no longer forces database connection.
1.0a4 - 2019-11-25
- Two-factor authentication with TOTP (Google Authenticator), Yubikey, SMS and phone call.
- Devs: CRUDMixin provides a crud_event relation that returns all CRUD events for an object.
1.0a2 - 2019-11-11
- Devs: Add ExtensibleModel to allow injection of methods and properties into models.
1.0a1 - 2019-09-17
- Devs: Add API to get an audit trail for any school-related object.
- Devs: Provide template snippet to display an audit trail.
- Devs: Provide base template for views that allow browsing back/forth.
- Add management command and Cron job for full backups.
- Add system status overview page.
- Allow enabling and disabling maintenance mode from frontend.
- Allow editing the dates of the current school term.
- Add logo to school information.
- Allow editing school information.
- Ensure all actions are reverted if something fails (atomic requests).
- Only show active persons in group and persons views.
- Silence KeyError in get_dict template tag.
- Use bootstrap buttons everywhere.