[New app] Gradebook
Requirements from @fph
Goal: Get a quick overview about the performance of a student/group
- 2FA necessary for all grade data (configurable, https://www.gesetze-rechtsprechung.sh.juris.de/bssh/document/jlr-SchulDSVSH2018V2P13)
- Show grades on person page (later)
- Management pages for grade sets with choices and rating types
Show grades as tab on group page
- Simple table with direct input fields for grades
- Add button for new columns aka ratings
- Tab order has to be correct
- Auto save
- On parent group page, all grades from child groups shall be shown (filterable by rating type, course group)
- Printout of grading tables (e. g. for conferences or archiving)
Blocking: AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS-Core#122 (closed) for group page
- GradeChoice(set → GradeSet, name, value, order)
- GradeSet(name)
- EffortType(name, color)
- Effort(name, type → EffortType, weight, group → Group)
- Grade(grade → GradeChoice, rating → Rating)