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Check/update tox ini

Merged Jonathan Weth requested to merge check/update-tox-ini into master
1 file
+ 21
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+ 21
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ skip_missing_interpreters = true
envlist = py39,py310,py311
allowlist_externals = poetry
allowlist_externals =
skip_install = true
envdir = {toxworkdir}/globalenv
commands_pre =
poetry install
poetry install --all-extras
poetry run aleksis-admin vite build
poetry run aleksis-admin collectstatic --no-input
commands =
@@ -22,14 +23,17 @@ setenv =
commands_pre =
poetry install --only=dev
commands =
poetry run black --check --diff aleksis/
poetry run isort -c --diff --stdout aleksis/
poetry run flake8 {posargs} aleksis/
poetry run sh -c "aleksis-admin yarn run prettier --check --ignore-path={toxinidir}/.prettierignore {toxinidir}"
poetry run sh -c "aleksis-admin yarn run eslint {toxinidir}/aleksis/**/*/frontend/**/*.{js,vue} --config={toxinidir}/.eslintrc.js --resolve-plugins-relative-to=."
poetry run ruff check {posargs} aleksis/
yarnpkg run prettier --ignore-path={toxinidir}/.prettierignore {posargs} --check ..
yarnpkg run eslint ../aleksis/**/*/frontend/**/*.{js,vue} --config={toxinidir}/.eslintrc.js --resolve-plugins-relative-to=.
commands_pre =
poetry install --all-extras
commands =
poetry show --no-dev
poetry run safety check --full-report
@@ -41,45 +45,25 @@ commands_pre =
commands = poetry build
commands_pre =
poetry install --with docs
commands = poetry run make -C docs/ html {posargs}
commands_pre =
poetry install --only=dev
commands =
poetry run isort aleksis/
poetry run black aleksis/
poetry run sh -c "aleksis-admin yarn run prettier --write --ignore-path={toxinidir}/.prettierignore {toxinidir}"
poetry run ruff format aleksis/
yarnpkg run prettier --ignore-path={toxinidir}/.prettierignore --write ..
commands_pre =
poetry install
commands =
poetry run aleksis-admin makemessages --no-wrap -e html,txt,py,email -i static -l ar -l de_DE -l fr -l nb_NO -l tr_TR -l la -l uk -l ru
poetry run aleksis-admin makemessages --no-wrap -d djangojs -i **/node_modules -l ar -l de_DE -l fr -l nb_NO -l tr_TR -l la -l uk -l ru
max_line_length = 100
exclude = migrations,tests
ignore = BLK100,E203,E231,W503,D100,D101,D102,D103,D104,D105,D106,D107,RST215,RST214,F821,F841,S106,T100,T101,DJ05
profile = black
line_length = 100
default_section = THIRDPARTY
known_first_party = aleksis
known_django = django
skip = migrations
plugins = mypy_django_plugin.main
python_version = 3.8
platform = linux
show_column_numbers = True
follow_imports = skip
ignore_missing_imports = True
cache_dir = /dev/null
django_settings_module = aleksis.core.settings
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = aleksis.core.settings
junit_family = legacy