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Update dependency aleksis-core to v2.8.1 - autoclosed

Tine Wittler requested to merge renovate/aleksis-core-2.x into master

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
aleksis-core (source) dependencies minor 2.0b0 -> 2.8.1

Release Notes



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* Official apps can now override any setting


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* Official apps can now override any setting


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* Allow disabling query caching with cachalot
* Add invitation key to success message when a person without e-mail address is invited by id


* Only exactly one person without e-mail address could be invited
* No person was created and linked to the PersonInvitation object when invite by e-mail is used
* No valid data in the second e-mail field of the signup form when it was disabled
* Invitation options were displayed to superusers even when the feature was disabled
* Inviting newly created persons for registration failed
* Invited person was not displayed correctly in list of sent invitations
* [Docker] Do not clear cache in migration container die to session invalidation issues
* Notification email about user changes was broken
* SQL cache invalidation could fail when hitting OOT database


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* Migration added in 2.7.2 did not work in all scenarios
* [Dev] Field change tracking API for Person was broken in 2.7.2
* [OAuth] Automatic clean-up of expired OAuth tokens could fail
* Allow maskable icons for non-masked use
* Add missing documentation

Known issues
  • Maskable and non-masked icons *purpose) any cannot be separated


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* [Dev] The (undocumented) setting PDF_CONTEXT_MROCESSORS is now named NON_REQUEST_CONTEXT_MROCESSORS
* [Docker] Cache is now cleared if migrations are applied
* Update German translations.


* Celery progress could be inaccurate if recording progress during a transaction


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* PWA icons can now be marked maskable
* [OAuth] Expired tokens are now cleared in a periodic task
* PDF file jobs are now automatically expired
* Data checks are now scheduled every 15 minutes by default


* PDF generation failed with S3 storage due to incompatibility with boto3
* PWA theme colour defaulted to red
* Form for editing group type displayed irrelevant fields
* Permission groups could get outdated if re-assigning a user account to a different person
* User preferences didn't work correctly sometimes due to race conditions.


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* Allow disabling query caching with cachalot
* Add invitation key to success message when a person without e-mail address is invited by id


* Only exactly one person without e-mail address could be invited
* No person was created and linked to the PersonInvitation object when invite by e-mail is used
* No valid data in the second e-mail field of the signup form when it was disabled
* Invitation options were displayed to superusers even when the feature was disabled
* Inviting newly created persons for registration failed
* Invited person was not displayed correctly in list of sent invitations
* [Docker] Do not clear cache in migration container die to session invalidation issues
* Notification email about user changes was broken
* SQL cache invalidation could fail when hitting OOT database


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* Add option to open entry in new tab for sidebar navigation menu.
* Add preference for configuring the default phone number country code.
* Persons and groups now have two image fields: official photo and public avatar
* Admins recieve an mail for celery tasks with status "FAILURE"
* OpenID Connect RSA keys can now be passed as string in config files
* Views filtering for person names now also search the username of a linked user
* OAuth2 applications now take an icon which is shown in the authorization progress.
* Add support for hiding the main side nav in ``base.html``.
* Provide base template and function for sending emails with a template.

  • Changing the favicon did not result in all icons being replaced in some cases
  • Superusers with a dummy person were able to access the dashboard edit page.
  • GroupManager.get_queryset() returned an incomplete QuerySet
  • OAuth was broken by a non-semver-adhering django-oauth-toolkit update
  • Too long texts in chips didn't result in a larger chip.
  • The Person model had an is_active flag that was used in unclear ways; it is now removed
  • The data check results list view didn't work if a related object had been deleted in the meanwhile.
  • Socialaccount login template was not overriden
  • Atomic transactions now cause only one Haystack update task to run
  • Too long headlines didn't break in another line.


* Configuration files are now deep merged by default
* Improvements for shell_plus module loading

  * core.Group model now takes precedence over auth.Group
  * Name collisions are resolved by prefixing with the app label

* [Docker] Base image now contains curl, grep, less, sed, and pspg
* Views raising a 404 error can now customise the message that is displayed on the error page
* OpenID Connect is enabled by default now, without RSA support
* Login and authorization pages for OAuth2/OpenID Connect now indicate that the user is in progress
  to authorize an external application.
* Tables can be scrolled horizontally.
* Overhauled person detail page
* Use common base template for all emails.


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* Recursive helper methods for group hierarchies

  • Remove left-over reference to preferences in a form definition that caused form extensions in downstream apps to break
  • Allow non-LDAP users to authenticate if LDAP is used with password handling
  • Additional button on progress page for background tasks was shown even if the task failed.
  • Register preference for available allowed oauth grants.


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* Allow configuration of database options
* User invitations with invite codes and targeted invites for existing

  • Correctly update theme colours on change again
  • Use correct favicon as default AlekSIS favicon
  • Show all years in a 200 year range around the current year in date pickers
  • Imprint is now called "Imprint" and not "Impress".
  • Logo files weren't uploaded to public namespace.
  • Limit LDAP network timeouts to not hang indefinitely on login if LDAP server is unreachable


* Modified the appearance of tables for mobile users to be more user friendly
* [Dev] Remove lock file; locking dependencies is the distribution's

  • Remove old generated AlekSIS icons


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* Small files could fail to upload to S3 storage due to MemoryFileUploadHandler
* Corrected typos in previous changelog


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* Small files could fail to upload to S3 storage due to MemoryFileUploadHandler
* Corrected typos in previous changelog


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* [Docker] Stop initialisation if migrations fail
* [OAuth] Register `groups` scope and fix claim
* [OAuth] Fix OAuth claims for follow-up requests (e.g. UserInfo)
* [OAuth] Fix grant types checking failing on wrong types under some circumstances
* [OAuth] Re-introduce missing algorithm field in application form
* Remove errornous backup folder check for S3


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* [Docker] Stop initialisation if migrations fail
* [OAuth] Register `groups` scope and fix claim
* [OAuth] Fix OAuth claims for follow-up requests (e.g. UserInfo)
* [OAuth] Fix grant types checking failing on wrong types under some circumstances
* [OAuth] Re-introduce missing algorithm field in application form
* Remove errornous backup folder check for S3


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* Provide ``SITE_MREFERENCES`` template variable for easier and request-independent access on all site preferences.

  • Make style.css and favicons cachable.
  • Import model extensions from other apps before form extensions.
  • Recreate backwards compatiblity for OAuth URLs by using oauth/ again.
  • Show correct logo and school title in print template if created in the background.


* Remove fallback code from optional Celery as it's now non-optional.


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* [Docker] Stop initialisation if migrations fail
* [OAuth] Register `groups` scope and fix claim
* [OAuth] Fix OAuth claims for follow-up requests (e.g. UserInfo)
* [OAuth] Fix grant types checking failing on wrong types under some circumstances
* [OAuth] Re-introduce missing algorithm field in application form
* Remove errornous backup folder check for S3


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* Refactor views/forms for creating/editing persons.


* Fix order of submit buttons in login form and restructure login template
  to make 2FA work correctly.
* Fix page title bug on the impersonate page.
* Users were able to edit the linked user if self-editing was activated.
* Users weren't able to edit the allowed fields although they were configured correctly.
* Provide `style.css` and icon files without any authentication to avoid caching issues.

  • Remove mass linking of persons to accounts, bevcause the view had performance issues, but was practically unused.


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* Configuration mechanisms for OpenID Connect were broken.
* Set a fixed version for django-sass-processor to avoid a bug with searching ``style.css`` in the wrong storage.
* Correct the z-index of the navbar to display the main title again on mobile devices.

  • Leftovers from a functionality already dropped in the development process (custom authentication backends and alternative login views).


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* OpenID Connect scope and accompanying claim ``groups``
* Support config files in JSON format
* Allow apps to dynamically generate OAuth scopes

  • Do not log or e-mail ALLOWED_HOSTS violations
  • Update translations.
  • Use initial superuser settings as default contact and from addresses


* Show link to imprint in footer
* Fix API for adding OAuth scopes in AppConfigs
* Deleting persons is possible again.
* Removed wrong changelog section

  • Dropped data anonymization (django-hattori) support for now
  • OAUTH2_SCOPES setting in apps is not supported anymore. Use get_all_scopes method on AppConfig class instead.


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* The view for getting the progress of celery tasks didn't respect that there can be anonymous users.
* Updated django to latest 3.2.x


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* Allow to configure port for prometheus metrics endpoint.

  • Correctly deliver server errors to user
  • Use text HTTP response for serviceworker.js insteas of binary stream
  • Use Django permission instead of rule to prevent performance issues.


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* Support PDF generation without available request object (started completely from background).
* Display a loading animation while fetching search results in the sidebar.

  • Make search suggestions selectable using the arrow keys.


* Use correct HTML 5 elements for the search frontend and fix CSS accordingly.


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* Allow to install system and build dependencies in docker build


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* Add option to disable dashboard auto updating as a user and sitewide.

  • Use semantically correct html elements for headings and alerts.


* Add missing dependency python-gnupg
* Add missing AWS options to ignore invalid ssl certificates


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* Add option to disable dashboard auto updating as a user and sitewide.

  • Add verbose names for all preference sections.
  • Add verbose names for all openid connect scopes and show them in grant view.
  • Include public dashboard in navigation
  • Update German translations.


* Fix broken backup health check
* Make error recovery in about page work

  • Drop all leftovers of DataTables.


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* Rename every occurance of "social account" by "third-party account".
* Use own templates and views for PWA meta and manifest.
* Use term "application" for all authorized OAuth2 applications/tokens.
* Use importlib instead of pkg_resources (no functional changes)


* Fix installation documentation (nginx, uWSGI).
* Use a set for data checks registry to prevent double entries.
* Progress page tried to redirect even if the URL is empty.

  • Drop django-pwa completely.


📅 Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever MR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this MR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this MR, click this checkbox.

This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by Tine Wittler

Merge request reports