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Commit 2f5a13a9 authored by Jonathan Weth's avatar Jonathan Weth :keyboard:
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Merge branch 'feature/show-week-on-desktop' into 'master'

Show full timetable on my timetable on desktop

Closes #77

See merge request !117
parents 6e35c3e5 3b61686f
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1 merge request!117Show full timetable on my timetable on desktop
Pipeline #5109 passed
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class WeekQuerySetMixin:
class GroupByPeriodsMixin:
def group_by_periods(self, is_person: bool = False) -> dict:
def group_by_periods(self, is_week: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Group a QuerySet of objects with attribute period by period numbers and weekdays."""
per_period = {}
for obj in self:
......@@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ class GroupByPeriodsMixin:
weekday = obj.period.weekday
if period not in per_period:
per_period[period] = [] if is_person else {}
per_period[period] = [] if not is_week else {}
if not is_person and weekday not in per_period[period]:
if is_week and weekday not in per_period[period]:
per_period[period][weekday] = []
if is_person:
if not is_week:
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
{% block content %}
<div class="row no-margin">
<div class="col m12 s12 l6 xl4">
<div class="col s12">
{% trans "My timetable" %} <i>{{ el }}</i>
<span class="badge new primary-color ">{% trans "SMART PLAN" %}</span>
......@@ -24,36 +24,43 @@
<div class="row nomargin">
<div class="row nomargin hide-on-large-only">
<div class="col m12 s12 l6 xl4">
{% include "core/partials/announcements.html" with announcements=announcements %}
<div class="row">
<div class="timetable-plan col s12 m12 xl4">
{# Date #}
<div class="row">
<div class="col s12">
<div class="card timetable-title-card">
<div class="card-content">
<span class="card-title">
{% include "chronos/partials/datepicker.html" with display_date_only=1 %}
{# {% if holiday %}#}
{# <span class="badge new blue center-align holiday-badge">{{ holiday.0 }}</span>#}
{# {% endif %}#}
<div class="row nomargin hide-on-large-med-and-down">
<div class="col m12 s12 l6 xl4">
{% include "core/partials/announcements.html" with announcements=week_announcements %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col s12">
<div class="card timetable-title-card">
<div class="card-content">
<span class="card-title">
{% include "chronos/partials/datepicker.html" with display_date_only=1 %}
<span class="show-on-medium-and-down hide-on-large-only">
{% if == today %}
<br/> {% include "chronos/partials/today.html" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="row hide-on-large-only">
<div class="timetable-plan col s12 m12 xl4">
{# Lessons #}
{% include "chronos/partials/lessons_col.html" with lesson_periods=lesson_periods %}
<div class="row timetable-plan hide-on-med-and-down">
{% include "chronos/partials/week_timetable.html" with timetable=week_timetable active_day=day today=today %}
{% endblock %}
<div class="card lesson-card">
<div class="card lesson-card {% if week_day == active_day %} z-depth-5 active {% endif %}">
<div class="card-content">
{% for element in elements %}
{% if element.label_ == "lesson_period" %}
{% load i18n %}
<span class="badge new orange center-align holiday-badge">{% trans "Today" %}</span>
{# Week days #}
<div class="row">
<div class="col s1">
{# Show short weekdays on tablets #}
{% for weekday in weekdays_short %}
<div class="col s2 hide-on-large-only">
<div class="card timetable-title-card">
<div class="card-content">
<span class="card-title">
{{ }}
{% if smart %}
{{ }}
{% if %}
<br/>{% include "chronos/partials/holiday.html" with %}
{% endif %}
{% if == today %}
<br/> {% include "chronos/partials/today.html" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# Show long weekdays elsewere #}
{% for weekday in weekdays %}
<div class="col {% if == active_day %} s3 {% else %} s2 {% endif %} hide-on-med-only">
<div class="card timetable-title-card {% if == active_day %} z-depth-5 {% endif %}">
<div class="card-content">
<span class="card-title">
{{ }}
{% if smart %}
{{ }}
{% if %}
<br/>{% include "chronos/partials/holiday.html" with %}
{% endif %}
{% if == today %}
<br/> {% include "chronos/partials/today.html" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# Lessons #}
{% for row in timetable %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col s1">
{% if row.type == "period" %}
{% include "chronos/partials/period_time.html" with period=row.period periods=periods %}
{% endif %}
{% for col in row.cols %}
{# A lesson #}
<div class="col {% if forloop.counter0 == active_day.weekday %} s3 {% else %} s2 {% endif %}">
{% if row.type == "period" %}
{% include "chronos/partials/elements.html" with elements=col week_day=forloop.counter0 active_day=active_day.weekday %}
{% else %}
{% include "chronos/partials/supervision.html" with supervision=col %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -73,72 +73,7 @@
{# show full timetable on tablets, laptops and pcs #}
<div class="timetable-plan hide-on-small-and-down">
{# Week days #}
<div class="row">
<div class="col s2">
{# Show short weekdays on tablets #}
{% for weekday in weekdays_short %}
<div class="col s2 hide-on-large-only">
<div class="card timetable-title-card">
<div class="card-content">
<span class="card-title">
{{ }}
{% if smart %}
{{ }}
{% if %}
<br/>{% include "chronos/partials/holiday.html" with %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# Show long weekdays elsewere #}
{% for weekday in weekdays %}
<div class="col s2 hide-on-med-only">
<div class="card timetable-title-card">
<div class="card-content">
<span class="card-title">
{{ }}
{% if smart %}
{{ }}
{% if %}
<br/>{% include "chronos/partials/holiday.html" with %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# Lessons #}
{% for row in timetable %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col s2">
{% if row.type == "period" %}
{% include "chronos/partials/period_time.html" with period=row.period periods=periods %}
{% endif %}
{% for col in row.cols %}
{# A lesson #}
<div class="col s2">
{% if row.type == "period" %}
{% include "chronos/partials/elements.html" with elements=col %}
{% else %}
{% include "chronos/partials/supervision.html" with supervision=col %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% include "chronos/partials/week_timetable.html" %}
{# show 5 seperate ones on mobiles #}
......@@ -33,45 +33,64 @@ def build_timetable(
is_person = True
type_ = obj.timetable_type
is_week = False
if type(date_ref) == CalendarWeek:
is_week = True
if type_ is None:
return None
# Get matching holidays
if is_person:
holiday = Holiday.on_day(date_ref)
if is_week:
holidays_per_weekday = Holiday.in_week(date_ref)
holiday = Holiday.on_day(date_ref)
# Get matching lesson periods
lesson_periods = LessonPeriod.objects
if is_week:
lesson_periods = lesson_periods.in_week(date_ref)
lesson_periods = lesson_periods.on_day(date_ref)
if is_person:
lesson_periods = LessonPeriod.objects.daily_lessons_for_person(obj, date_ref)
lesson_periods = lesson_periods.filter_from_person(obj)
lesson_periods = LessonPeriod.objects.in_week(date_ref).filter_from_type(type_, obj)
lesson_periods = lesson_periods.filter_from_type(type_, obj)
# Sort lesson periods in a dict
lesson_periods_per_period = lesson_periods.group_by_periods(is_person=is_person)
lesson_periods_per_period = lesson_periods.group_by_periods(is_week=is_week)
# Get events
extra_lessons = ExtraLesson.objects
if is_week:
extra_lessons = extra_lessons.filter(week=date_ref.week, year=date_ref.year)
extra_lessons = extra_lessons.on_day(date_ref)
if is_person:
extra_lessons = ExtraLesson.objects.on_day(date_ref).filter_from_person(obj)
extra_lessons = extra_lessons.filter_from_person(obj)
extra_lessons = ExtraLesson.objects.filter(
week=date_ref.week, year=date_ref.year
).filter_from_type(type_, obj)
extra_lessons = extra_lessons.filter_from_type(type_, obj)
# Sort lesson periods in a dict
extra_lessons_per_period = extra_lessons.group_by_periods(is_person=is_person)
extra_lessons_per_period = extra_lessons.group_by_periods(is_week=is_week)
# Get events
events = Event.objects
if is_week:
events = events.in_week(date_ref)
events = events.on_day(date_ref)
if is_person:
events = Event.objects.on_day(date_ref).filter_from_person(obj)
events = events.filter_from_person(obj)
events = Event.objects.in_week(date_ref).filter_from_type(type_, obj)
events = events.filter_from_type(type_, obj)
# Sort events in a dict
events_per_period = {}
for event in events:
if not is_person and event.date_start < date_ref[TimePeriod.weekday_min]:
if is_week and event.date_start < date_ref[TimePeriod.weekday_min]:
# If start date not in current week, set weekday and period to min
weekday_from = TimePeriod.weekday_min
period_from_first_weekday = TimePeriod.period_min
......@@ -79,7 +98,7 @@ def build_timetable(
weekday_from = event.date_start.weekday()
period_from_first_weekday = event.period_from.period
if not is_person and event.date_end > date_ref[TimePeriod.weekday_max]:
if is_week and event.date_end > date_ref[TimePeriod.weekday_max]:
# If end date not in current week, set weekday and period to max
weekday_to = TimePeriod.weekday_max
period_to_last_weekday = TimePeriod.period_max
......@@ -88,7 +107,7 @@ def build_timetable(
period_to_last_weekday = event.period_to.period
for weekday in range(weekday_from, weekday_to + 1):
if is_person and weekday != date_ref.weekday():
if not is_week and weekday != date_ref.weekday():
# If daily timetable for person, skip other weekdays
......@@ -110,17 +129,17 @@ def build_timetable(
if period not in events_per_period:
events_per_period[period] = [] if is_person else {}
if not is_person and weekday not in events_per_period[period]:
if is_week and weekday not in events_per_period[period]:
events_per_period[period][weekday] = []
if is_person:
if not is_week:
if type_ == TimetableType.TEACHER:
# Get matching supervisions
if is_person:
if not is_week:
week = CalendarWeek.from_date(date_ref)
week = date_ref
......@@ -128,22 +147,21 @@ def build_timetable(
if is_person:
if not is_week:
supervisions = supervisions.filter_by_weekday(date_ref.weekday())
supervisions_per_period_after = {}
for supervision in supervisions:
weekday = supervision.break_item.weekday
period_after_break = supervision.break_item.before_period_number
print(supervision, weekday, period_after_break)
if period_after_break not in needed_breaks:
if not is_person and period_after_break not in supervisions_per_period_after:
if is_week and period_after_break not in supervisions_per_period_after:
supervisions_per_period_after[period_after_break] = {}
if is_person:
if not is_week:
supervisions_per_period_after[period_after_break] = supervision
supervisions_per_period_after[period_after_break][weekday] = supervision
......@@ -163,7 +181,7 @@ def build_timetable(
"time_end": break_.time_end,
if not is_person:
if is_week:
cols = []
for weekday in range(TimePeriod.weekday_min, TimePeriod.weekday_max + 1):
......@@ -193,7 +211,7 @@ def build_timetable(
"time_end": break_.before_period.time_end,
if not is_person:
if is_week:
cols = []
for weekday in range(TimePeriod.weekday_min, TimePeriod.weekday_max + 1):
col = []
......@@ -71,12 +71,15 @@ def my_timetable(
wanted_day = TimePeriod.get_next_relevant_day(,
wanted_week = CalendarWeek.from_date(wanted_day)
if has_person(request.user):
person = request.user.person
type_ = person.timetable_type
# Build timetable
timetable = build_timetable("person", person, wanted_day)
week_timetable = build_timetable("person", person, wanted_week)
if type_ is None:
# If no student or teacher, redirect to all timetables
......@@ -85,16 +88,25 @@ def my_timetable(
super_el = person.timetable_object
context["timetable"] = timetable
context["week_timetable"] = week_timetable
context["holiday"] = Holiday.on_day(wanted_day)
context["super"] = {"type": type_, "el": super_el}
context["type"] = type_
context["day"] = wanted_day
context["today"] =
context["week"] = wanted_week
context["periods"] = TimePeriod.get_times_dict()
context["smart"] = True
context["announcements"] = (
context["week_announcements"] = (
.within_days(wanted_week[0], wanted_week[6])
context["weekdays"] = build_weekdays(TimePeriod.WEEKDAY_CHOICES, wanted_week)
context["weekdays_short"] = build_weekdays(TimePeriod.WEEKDAY_CHOICES_SHORT, wanted_week)
context["url_prev"], context["url_next"] = TimePeriod.get_prev_next_by_day(
wanted_day, "my_timetable_by_date"
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