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- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/general.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/prepare/lock.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/test/lint.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/test/security.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/build/dist.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/build/docs.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: "/ci/deploy/trigger_dist.yml"
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: "/ci/docker/image.yml"
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/publish/pypi.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/general.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/prepare/lock.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/test/lint.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/test/security.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/build/dist.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/build/docs.yml
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: "/ci/deploy/trigger_dist.yml"
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: "/ci/docker/image.yml"
- project: "AlekSIS/official/AlekSIS"
file: /ci/publish/pypi.yml
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
# Distribution / packaging
# Installer logs
# Translations
# Django stuff:
# pyenv
# Environments
# Editors
# IntelliJ
# Database
# Sphinx
# TeX
# Generated files
# VSCode
# Add HTML files to avoid problems with unsupported Django templates
# Do not check/reformat generated files
......@@ -6,6 +6,31 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on `Keep a Changelog`_,
and this project adheres to `Semantic Versioning`_.
`2.0`_ - 2023-05-14
* The Matrix groups and rooms threw a 404 error.
* The Matrix parent menu point was displayed even though the user had no permission to see it.
`2.0b0`_ - 2023-02-23
This version requires AlekSIS-Core 3.0. It is incompatible with any previous
* Legacy menu integration for AlekSIS-Core pre-3.0
* Support for SPA in AlekSIS-Core 3.0
`1.0`_ - 2022-06-25
......@@ -18,3 +43,5 @@ Added
.. _Semantic Versioning:
.. _1.0:
.. _2.0b0:
.. _2.0:
export default {
meta: {
inMenu: true,
titleKey: "matrix.menu_title",
icon: "mdi-forum-outline",
permission: "matrix.view_matrixrooms_rule",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
children: [
path: "rooms/",
component: () => import("aleksis.core/components/LegacyBaseTemplate.vue"),
name: "matrix.groupsAndRooms",
meta: {
inMenu: true,
titleKey: "matrix.rooms.menu_title",
icon: "mdi-account-group-outline",
permission: "matrix.view_matrixrooms_rule",
props: {
byTheGreatnessOfTheAlmightyAleksolotlISwearIAmWorthyOfUsingTheLegacyBaseTemplate: true,
"matrix": {
"menu_title": "Matrix",
"rooms": {
"menu_title": "Gruppen und Räume"
"matrix": {
"menu_title": "Matrix",
"rooms": {
"menu_title": "Groups and Rooms"
"matrix": {
"menu_title": "Matrix",
"rooms": {
"menu_title": "Группы и комнаты"
"matrix": {
"menu_title": "Matrix",
"rooms": {
"menu_title": "Групи та кімнати"
......@@ -3,175 +3,189 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-06-25 11:24+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-03 06:13+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Serhii Horichenko <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <"
"Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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"X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.1\n"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Provision in Matrix"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Обеспечение в Matrix"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/ aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Matrix"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Matrix"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Groups and Rooms"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Группы и комнаты"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Can view matrix room of a group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Может просматривать Matrix-комнату группы"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Matrix ID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Matrix ID"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Person"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Физлицо"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Matrix profile"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Профиль Matrix"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Matrix profiles"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Профили Matrix"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Room ID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Идентификатор комнаты"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Alias"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Псевдо"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Группа"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Matrix room"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Matrix-комната"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Matrix rooms"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Matrix-комнаты"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Child rooms/spaces"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Детские комнаты/помещения"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Matrix space"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Matrix-пространство"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Matrix spaces"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Matrix-пространства"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "URL of Matrix homeserver"
msgstr ""
msgstr "URL домашнего сервера Matrix"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "URL of the Matrix homeserver on which groups and spaces should be created (e. g."
msgstr ""
"URL домашнего сервера Matrix, на котором будут создаваться группы и "
"помещения (напр."
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Name of Matrix homeserver used for auto-generating Matrix IDs"
msgstr ""
"Название домашнего сервера Matrix для автоматической генерации "
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Leave empty to not create Matrix IDs automatically"
msgstr ""
"Оставьте незаполненным, чтобы Matrix-идентификаторы не создавались "
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Access token to access homeserver"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Токен доступа для подключения к домашнему серверу"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "This has to be the access token of a suitable bot user. It is used for all actions."
msgstr ""
"Необходимо иметь токен доступа соответствующего пользователя-бота. Касается "
"всех действий."
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Disambiguate room aliases"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Избегайте неоднозначных псевдонимов комнат"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Suffix room aliases with ascending numbers to avoid name clashes"
msgstr ""
"Псевдонимы комнат с возрастающими числами на конце для исключения совпадений"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Use Matrix spaces"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Используйте Matrix-пространства"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "This activates the creation and management of Matrix spaces."
msgstr ""
"Это действие приводит к активации создания и управления пространствами "
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Reduce existing power levels"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Уменьшить существующие уровни мощности"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Reduce power levels of existing members to the level suggested by AlekSIS."
msgstr ""
"Уменьшить уровни мощности существующих участников до рекомендованных AlekSIS."
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Power level for owners"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Уровень мощности для владельцев"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "This power level will be set for all owners of a group."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Этот уровень мощности будет установлен для всех владельцев группы."
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Power level for members"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Уровень мощности для участников"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "This power level will be set for all members of a group."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Этот уровень мощности будет установлен для всех участников группы."
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:9
msgid "Groups and Matrix Rooms"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Группы и Matrix-комнаты"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:14
msgid "Create group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Создать группу"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:21
msgid "Filter groups"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Фильтровать группы"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:25
msgid "Filter"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Фильтры"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:28
msgid "Clear"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Очистить"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:43
msgid "Selected groups"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Выбранные группы"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:53
msgid "Execute"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Выполнить"
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-06-25 11:24+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-06-25 13:20+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Dominik George <>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-03 06:13+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Serhii Horichenko <>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian <"
"Language: uk\n"
......@@ -23,185 +23,167 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.1\n"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Provision in Matrix"
msgstr "Забезпечення в Matrix"
msgstr "Пропозиція в Matrix"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/ aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Matrix"
msgstr "Matrix"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Groups and Rooms"
msgstr "Групи та кімнати"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can view matrix room of a group"
msgstr "Може переглядати кімнати групи Matrix"
msgstr "Може переглядати Matrix-кімнату групи"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Matrix ID"
msgstr "Ідентифікатор Matrix"
msgstr "Matrix ID"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Person"
msgstr "Особа"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Matrix profile"
msgstr "Matrix профіль"
msgstr "Профіль Matrix"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Matrix profiles"
msgstr "Matrix профілі"
msgstr "Профілі Matrix"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Room ID"
msgstr "Ідентифікатор кімнати"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Alias"
msgstr "прізвисько"
msgstr "Псевдо"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Група"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Matrix room"
msgstr "Matrix кімната"
msgstr "Matrix-кімната"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Matrix rooms"
msgstr "Matrix кімнати"
msgstr "Matrix-кімнати"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Child rooms/spaces"
msgstr "Дитячі кімнати/приміщення"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Matrix space"
msgstr "Matrix простір"
msgstr "Matrix-простір"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Matrix spaces"
msgstr "Matrix просторів"
msgstr "Matrix-простори"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "URL of Matrix homeserver"
msgstr "URL домашнього сервера Matrix"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "URL of the Matrix homeserver on which groups and spaces should be created (e. g."
msgstr ""
"URL домашнього сервера Matrix, на якому будуть створюватися групи та "
"простори (напр."
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Name of Matrix homeserver used for auto-generating Matrix IDs"
msgstr ""
"Назва домашнього сервера Matrix для автоматичної генерації "
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Leave empty to not create Matrix IDs automatically"
msgstr ""
"Залишіть порожнім, щоби Matrix-ідентифікатори не створювалися автоматично"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Access token to access homeserver"
msgstr "Маркер доступу для доступу до домашнього сервера"
msgstr "Токен доступу для з'єднання з домашнім сервером"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "This has to be the access token of a suitable bot user. It is used for all actions."
msgstr ""
"Потрібно мати токен доступу відповідного користувача-бота. Це стосується "
"усіх дій."
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disambiguate room aliases"
msgstr "Уникайте неоднозначних псевдонімів кімнат"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Suffix room aliases with ascending numbers to avoid name clashes"
msgstr ""
"Псевдоними кімнат із зростаючими числами наприкінці для уникнення співпадінь"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Matrix spaces"
msgstr "Використовуйте Matrix пробіли"
msgstr "Використовуйте Matrix-простори"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "This activates the creation and management of Matrix spaces."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Це активує створення просторів Matrix та керівництво ними."
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reduce existing power levels"
msgstr "Зменшити існуючі рівні потужності"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "Reduce power levels of existing members to the level suggested by AlekSIS."
msgstr ""
"Зменшити рівень потужності існуючих учасників до рекомендованого AlekSIS."
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Power level for owners"
msgstr "Рівень потужності для власників"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "This power level will be set for all owners of a group."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Цей рівень потужності буде встановлений для всіх власників групи."
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Power level for members"
msgstr "Рівень влади для членів"
msgstr "Рівень потужності для учасників"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/
msgid "This power level will be set for all members of a group."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Цей рівень потужності буде встановлений для всіх учасників групи."
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:8
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:9
#, fuzzy
msgid "Groups and Matrix Rooms"
msgstr "Групові та Matrix кімнати"
msgstr "Групи та Matrix-кімнати"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:14
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create group"
msgstr "Створити групу"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:21
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter groups"
msgstr "Фільтрувати групи"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:25
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "виціджувати"
msgstr "Фільтри"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:28
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "порожній"
msgstr "Очистити"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:43
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected groups"
msgstr "Вибрані групи"
#: aleksis/apps/matrix/templates/matrix/room/list.html:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute"
msgstr "Виконати"
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
"name": _("Matrix"),
"url": "#",
"svg_icon": "simple-icons:matrix",
"root": True,
"validators": [
"submenu": [
"name": _("Groups and Rooms"),
"url": "matrix_rooms",
"svg_icon": "mdi:account-group-outline",
"validators": [
......@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ class MatrixRoom(ExtensiblePolymorphicModel):
not get_site_preferences()["matrix__disambiguate_room_aliases"]
or e.args[0].get("errcode") != "M_ROOM_IN_USE"
match = re.match(r"^(.*)-(\d+)$", alias)
......@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ listeners:
tls: false
type: http
x_forwarded: true
bind_addresses: [ '::1', '' ]
bind_addresses: ["::1", ""]
- names: [ client, federation ]
- names: [client, federation]
compress: false
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ SERVER_URL = ""
def test_connection(synapse):
assert synapse["listeners"][0]["port"] == 8008
assert requests.get(SERVER_URL).status_code ==
......@@ -33,7 +32,6 @@ def test_connection(synapse):
def matrix_bot_user(synapse):
body = {"username": "aleksis-bot", "password": "test", "auth": {"type": "m.login.dummy"}}
get_site_preferences()["matrix__homeserver"] = SERVER_URL
......@@ -72,7 +70,6 @@ def test_create_room_for_group(matrix_bot_user):
def test_create_room_for_group_short_name(matrix_bot_user):
g = Group.objects.create(name="Test Room", short_name="test")
assert not MatrixRoom.objects.all().exists()
room = MatrixRoom.from_group(g)
......@@ -254,7 +251,6 @@ def test_power_levels(matrix_bot_user):
def test_sync_room_members_without_user(matrix_bot_user):
get_site_preferences()["matrix__homeserver_ids"] = ""
g = Group.objects.create(name="Test Room")
......@@ -278,7 +274,6 @@ def test_sync_room_members_without_user(matrix_bot_user):
def test_sync_room_members_without_homeserver(matrix_bot_user):
get_site_preferences()["matrix__homeserver_ids"] = ""
g = Group.objects.create(name="Test Room")
......@@ -463,7 +458,6 @@ def test_too_much_invites(matrix_bot_user):
persons = []
for i in range(100):
u = User.objects.create_user(f"test{i}", f"test{i}", f"test{i}")
p = Person.objects.create(first_name=f"Test {i}", last_name="Person", user=u)
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django_filters.views import FilterView
from django_tables2 import SingleTableMixin
from guardian.shortcuts import get_objects_for_user
......@@ -6,9 +8,11 @@ from rules.contrib.views import PermissionRequiredMixin
from aleksis.apps.matrix.filters import GroupMatrixRoomFilter
from aleksis.apps.matrix.forms import GroupMatrixRoomActionForm
from aleksis.apps.matrix.tables import GroupsMatrixRoomsTable
from aleksis.core.decorators import pwa_cache
from aleksis.core.models import Group
@method_decorator(pwa_cache, name="dispatch")
class MatrixRoomListView(PermissionRequiredMixin, SingleTableMixin, FilterView):
"""Overview about groups and their Matrix rooms."""
......@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ django.setup()
# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
project = "AlekSIS-App-Matrix"
copyright = "2018-2022 The AlekSIS team"
copyright = "2018-2023 The AlekSIS team"
author = "The AlekSIS Team"
# The short X.Y version
version = "1.0"
version = "2.0"
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
release = "1.0"
release = "2.0"
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
......@@ -122,76 +122,76 @@
site: 1
name: "8c"
short_name: "8c"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
- model:
pk: 102
site: 1
name: "5c"
short_name: "5c"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
- model:
pk: 103
site: 1
name: "6c"
short_name: "6c"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
- model:
pk: 104
site: 1
name: "5a"
short_name: "5a"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
- model:
pk: 105
site: 1
name: "7a"
short_name: "7a"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
- model:
pk: 106
site: 1
name: "6a"
short_name: "6a"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
- model:
pk: 107
site: 1
name: "9d"
short_name: "9d"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
- model:
pk: 1
site: 1
name: "8c:Mu"
short_name: "8c:Mu"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
owners: [ 2 ]
parent_groups: [ 101 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
owners: [2]
parent_groups: [101]
- model:
pk: 2
site: 1
name: "5c:Mu"
short_name: "5c:Mu"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
owners: [ 2 ]
parent_groups: [ 102 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
owners: [2]
parent_groups: [102]
- model:
pk: 3
site: 1
name: "6c:Mu"
short_name: "6c:Mu"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
owners: [ 3 ]
parent_groups: [ 103 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
owners: [3]
parent_groups: [103]
- model:
pk: 4
......@@ -199,56 +199,56 @@
name: "5a:De"
short_name: "5a:De"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
owners: [ 4 ]
parent_groups: [ 104 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
owners: [4]
parent_groups: [104]
- model:
pk: 5
site: 1
name: "7a:Mu"
short_name: "7a:Mu"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
owners: [ 4 ]
parent_groups: [ 105 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
owners: [4]
parent_groups: [105]
- model:
pk: 6
site: 1
name: "6a:Mu"
short_name: "6a:Mu"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
owners: [ 5 ]
parent_groups: [ 106 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
owners: [5]
parent_groups: [106]
- model:
pk: 7
site: 1
name: "9d:Mu"
short_name: "9d:Mu"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
owners: [ 5 ]
parent_groups: [ 107 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
owners: [5]
parent_groups: [107]
- model:
pk: 8
site: 1
name: "6a:De"
short_name: "6a:De"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
owners: [ 5 ]
parent_groups: [ 106 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
owners: [5]
parent_groups: [106]
- model:
pk: 9
site: 1
name: "Teachers"
short_name: "Teachers"
members: [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
members: [2, 3, 4, 5]
- model:
pk: 10
site: 1
name: "Students"
short_name: "Students"
members: [ 6, 7, 8 ]
members: [6, 7, 8]
name = "AlekSIS-App-Matrix"
version = "1.0"
version = "2.0"
packages = [
{ include = "aleksis" }
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ license = "EUPL-1.2-or-later"
homepage = ""
repository = ""
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
"Environment :: Web Environment",
"Framework :: Django :: 3.0",
"Intended Audience :: Education",
......@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ secondary = true
python = "^3.9"
aleksis-core = "^2.7"
aleksis-core = "^3.0"
aleksis-builddeps = "*"
aleksis-builddeps = ">=2023.1.dev0"
matrix-synapse = "^1.49.2"
pytest-xprocess = "^0.19.0"
pytest-mock = "^3.7.0"
skipsdist = True
skip_missing_interpreters = true
envlist = py37,py38,py39
envlist = py39,py310,py311
whitelist_externals = poetry
skip_install = true
envdir = {toxworkdir}/globalenv
commands_pre =
poetry install
poetry run aleksis-admin yarn install
poetry run aleksis-admin vite build
poetry run aleksis-admin collectstatic --no-input
commands =
poetry run pytest --cov=. {posargs} aleksis/
......@@ -27,6 +26,8 @@ commands =
poetry run black --check --diff aleksis/
poetry run isort -c --diff --stdout aleksis/
poetry run flake8 {posargs} aleksis/
poetry run sh -c "aleksis-admin yarn run prettier --check --ignore-path={toxinidir}/.prettierignore {toxinidir}"
poetry run sh -c "aleksis-admin yarn run eslint {toxinidir}/aleksis/**/*/frontend/**/*.{js,vue} --config={toxinidir}/.eslintrc.js --resolve-plugins-relative-to=."
commands =
......@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ commands = poetry run make -C docs/ html {posargs}
commands =
poetry run isort aleksis/
poetry run black aleksis/
poetry run sh -c "aleksis-admin yarn run prettier --write --ignore-path={toxinidir}/.prettierignore {toxinidir}"
commands =