content = "How devices and apps work, what they do and which intentions developers pursue: Everyone shall be able to critically scrutinise all of that – and everyone shall have the rights to do so!"
image = "images/empathy.png"
links = [
{ url = "@/projekte/indiedact/verstehbarkeit/", title = "Mehr zum Verstehen" },
{ url = "@/projekte/indiedact/verstehbarkeit/", title = "More about comprehensibility" },
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ title = "Self-determined decisions"
content = "Whether the name, date of birth, or a photo should be passed on to some company, where data is stored, and what apps on a computer or smartphone are allowed to do – all of that shall be a free decision for everyone. Manufacturers, as well as schools and parents, msut respect that!"
image = "images/decision-making.png"
links = [
{ url = "@/projekte/indiedact/digitale-muendigkeit/", title = "Mehr zu digitaler Mündigkeit" },
{ url = "@/projekte/indiedact/digitale-muendigkeit/", title = "More about digital responsibility" },
@@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ title = "Actively co-create"
content = "Those who own a device shall be allowed to do everything they want with it, instead of being limited by the vendor or third party. Technology is a tool for being creative. People of any age shall experience that hardware and software can be changed, invented and freely used by anyone!"
image = "images/pencil.png"
links = [
{ url = "@/projekte/hack-n-fun/tinkering/", title = "Mehr zum Selberbauen" },
{ url = "@/projekte/hack-n-fun/tinkering/", title = "More about tinkering" },